Paryss Steve-Harris becomes an author at five years old

Growing up I used to think that you had to be old enough, at least a young adult for you to write a book. Well those were my thoughts until I saw this lovely, colourful and creative book written by a five year old. Yes I said a five year old! Paryss Steve Harris is the author of the children book “The Magic Bird and the Dancing Hen”. I know what you’re thinking, “how did she come up with the concept, did she get help, did her parents write it for her?” Those were the questions that ran through my mind too.
Well, it turned out that Paryss was working on her school project and that process birthed an amazing and I’m sure, the first of many books that she will author. For the school project, all pupils were required to come up with titles and then write their stories to present at the school’s graduation ceremony.
Never one to be left behind, Paryss kept urging her parents to help her write the stories but her parents devised a better plan… as Paryss shared her story, her mother would ask specific questions to let her imagination run freely. Questions like “and then?”, “so what happened next?”, “is that so?” and that’s what they kept telling her to encourage her to think and dream deeper, to get creative with her story. Being 5 years old, with a short attention span, it took about a month with Paryss sometimes writing just a few words, to a few lines on some others.
With the school deadline approaching, mummy decided to motivate Paryss; and promised that she would help Paryss become a millionaire; by printing the book and selling to everybody she knew; and you know what? That worked! The thought of becoming a millionaire (or specifically, having more money than she could keep in her piggy bank) excited and motivated Paryss enough to finish one story and include a second story to her project!
Once the book was complete, Mummy and Daddy had to keep their promise; so they got an animator to bring Paryss’ story to life and so they printed several hundred copies, which are selling fast.
Amazing isn’t it?
A seemingly small idea that could have gone unnoticed was given light and is now making money for a little girl who just turned 6. You should see the proud little author boldly give her book review…it’s such a beautiful sight.
Just thinking out loud at how many little things our kids have done that have gone unnoticed. It’s time to light up our children’s paths and teach them that they can do all and be all and while it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done.
Our kid’s potentials are way beyond our imagination. As the Bible says, “train up a child in the way they were designed to go, and when they grow, they won’t leave that path”.


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