
Showing posts from March 31, 2017

Mo Abudu is described as Africa's most successful woman.

"We're building a community that has made us brand ambassadors for the entire continent," says Abudu. "As a black person sitting here today, I know how important it is to have people I can look up to that represent me in media." In eleven years, this female entrepreneur has transitioned from simply hosting a television show to owning a multimedia empire. The 52-year-old has been labeled as Africa's most successful woman by Forbes.

Buhari Cancels Medical Trip To UK, Due To Worsen Sickness

President Muhamamadu Buhari, has on Wednesday, cancelled his planned medical trip to the United Kingdom, UK, following the advice from the Aso Rock cabals.

Nigeria boycot Coca-cola drinks afgter court rule them 'poisnous

"I'm happy that I'm victorious and we've alerted Nigerians and the entire world to what is happening in Nigeria," the businessman told CNN. "What the court fined NAFDAC is not one tenth of the amount I've spent on litigation ... We should have been awarded at least the amount that we spent in purchasing that product and in exporting it to UK. We are entitled to special damages for what we have gone through." Lagos, Nigeria (CNN)Consumers of Sprite and Fanta have more to worry about than rotting teeth according to a Lagos High Court judge, who ruled that the Coca-Cola products could be "poisonous." The court held that high levels of benzoic acid and sunset additives in the popular soft drinks could pose a health risk to consumers when mixed with ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C, according to local media.

Ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak walks free after 6 years detension.

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was freed Friday after a six-year imprisonment following his overthrow during the Arab Spring. Mubarak, 88, was released from a military hospital in Maadi and is now back at his home in a Cairo suburb, his attorney, Farid El Deeb. Mubarak dominated the nation for three decades as President but went through a series of criminal trials after being forced from office in 2011. He was sentenced in 2012 to life in prison for complicity in the killings of protesters during the January 2011 revolt. Amnesty International said at least 840 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured during 18 days of street protests in Egypt.-Aj Arthurjnr

Why ISIS offered to kill this 4-year-old baby

"I want my mommy," Hawra' mumbles while cradled in the arms of her grandmother, Aliya. The four-and-a-half-year-old's lips barely move to form the weak but desperate plea. Her face is etched with small wounds, gauze wrapped around her throat and leg over burns that have yet to heal. She can't open her eyes; there is shrapnel in one of them, the other painfully closed. Doctors don't know if she will be able to see properly again. Her grandmother is lost for words. Tears start to fall. "I am thinking it's better to be dead. I am thinking to die, rather than a life like this. (Hawra') was like a little flower. She would play and run. Now, she how has no mother, no eyes," Aliya says. Hawra's mother was killed, we are told, in an airstrike on March 17. There were multiple US coalition-led strikes that day in their west Mosul neighborhood, where allegations of civilian casualties have since emerged.